Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snapped Photo of a New Spiece of Insect

My eyes felt conspicuous, a insect was on right side of a screen of the theatre wide HDTV while I was doing on my computer. My eyes got to close tv to see it on tv and it seem it is strange. I took my digital camera to snap 20-25 photos of the insect.

Then the CF memory card send a download of photos to my personal computer. I observsed photos whole that are not good, but expect one is pretty good picture.

When I zoomed up it, my eyes were opened-wide and my mouth was awesome to see the insect that has bizarre wings with some feathers.

Do you know what called the insect name?

Look my photo of bizarre insect after my vlog finish.


Unknown said...

Hi, I just found the website:

It is called Alucita hexadactyla Linnaeus (many-plume moths).

No wonder and I didn't know this rare specie of insect. Glad that you captured the picture!

Mighty Doc Dart

Squ65 said...

It looks creepy

NorthTrue said...

Did you keep it or let it free.? Just ask
