Friday, March 21, 2008

Re: Raychelle, Gary Malkowski wants to share with you.

This evening late I received a message from Gary Malkowski, he wants to be posting my vlog. So I would like to share you, Raychelle to see his vlog. Copied and pasted his message. Please read below:


Thank you for sharing this important humanistic view. In reality, look closely at situations in Denmark, Canada, and other countries will follow in attempt to downsize and eliminate sign language regardless of Deaf children with or without cochlear implants.

In sad fact, some powerful medical organizations, AVT therapists and some organizations such as AGB, promoting to support the Auditory Verbal Therapy that disallows Deaf children to learn and use ASL and they are responsible to ignore very real factual research studies show that all children, including deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and even hearing children benefit greatly from exposure to ASL and learning ASL.

Downsizing and attempting to eliminate sign language or any attempts to prevent Deaf children with or without cochlear implants are clearly in violation with human rights and those people and professionals, who are responsible to downsize and/or attempt to eliminate sign language that put Deaf children's langauge and mental health at real risk, will be brought to trial and face justice in somedays. Please visit to see my key message at

No matter how hard we continue to educate these people and society about the benefits of sign language and unfortunately, they will still continue to ignore this real fact is that sign language has proven to benefit all children, including deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, hearing and children with disabilities.

Only answer is to bring these people who are in attempt to downsize or eliminate sign language that put these deaf children's langauge and mental health at risk must be brought to justice and Deaf children with cochlear implants or without cochlear implants are entitled to their rights to learn sign language and let them decide to use signed or spoken langauge or both that must be respected. Sign language rights must be respected and protected in every country across International.

You may post my comments at your vlog/blog.

Again, thank you for sharing your view.

Gary Malkowski
Canada's Only Former Elected Deaf Member of Provincial Parliament/Politician in the North America

1 comment:

raychelle said...

thank you so much for sharing Gary Malkowski's email to me with the DeafRead community.

I found his email very well written and his vlog very well signed. for you all out there, do go to and watch Gary's 5 minute vlog.

he is wonderfully articulate about how we must make the case for sign language for every deaf child, regardless if the child has a CI or not. KUDOS to Gary!

have a wonderful weekend :)
